About Me


I’m young, I’m brilliant, I’m black, I’m natural, I’m almost 30 (28, to be exact) and I’m broke-ish.

I’m just trying to make it through life and achieve my goals; while developing a healthy relationship with my mind, body, spirit and manage my current stress level.

In other words? Adulting is hard as f*ck. I DID NOT grow up this fast to deal with this shit. (I’m also vulgar-ish).

Watch me struggle, watch me succeed, watch me fail and fall into a pint of sorbet. Either way, I’m here! 🙂 So, this is my story. Not of a particular event or a relationship, just of my life and my life’s journey. As seen through my eyes and as lived through my soul.

We often hear that coconut oil is the secret ingredient to clearing up your skin, your hair, your man problems. It’s the ultimate goal magic ingredient to soothe your woes. At least I think so!

I’m not so different than every other millennial! I like avocado, I’m obsessed with how much my student loans are, I cry easily and Harry Potter is my ultimate universe.

If Sallie Mae/Navient finds this blog, tell them I want a refund. (But don’t give them my e-mail, m’kay?)


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